Tuesday 7 August 2012

Ever feel like you're drowning?

Ever feel like you're drowning? You're swimming in uncharted waters. There is no where to go, only water for miles and miles. Now you're underwater, being dragged down, flipped and shoved by the water. You look up, down, side to side and all you see is darkness. You're disoriented and confused. Which way to the light? You need air, you are drowning. Lungs burn with fear. Where do you go? What's your next move? Will anyone really notice? Does anyone really care? Things start to go blurry. You start to lose control. You're legs stop kicking, arms stop treading. Sinking to the ocean floor. You lie there watching through blurry eyes, bubbles floating up. You have a last moment of clarity and imagine you're looking up through clear blue water up at the shining sun. But that's gone. Laying there motionless you see the last bubbles flow out of your mouth and into the cold, dark oblivion. You are gone.